Sunday, September 20, 2015

Local Creativity - Next Generation Moving Towards Bad Thoughts- Education Reforms - Need Socio-Political Action

Students creativity/talent is excellent when they are in uncontrolled environment. If their talent is towards good, then there is no issue. The problem comes when their talent goes in bad path.
Here is one example of local talent demonstrating creativity in grammar / rhyming. Teenage kids writings in a local bus - Difference between coffee and college
Coffee has sugar - College has figure (written in local language with good phrase), except the inner meaning everything is good in their writings.

We have local talent. But our current education system is not able to make the talent useful, not able to make self-discipline, not teaching how to approach problem, not teaching how to apply what they are studying, not helping student in correlating his education with his life.
Ultimately making the student ‪#‎unemployable‬after his education.
What is the solution? Is English medium study helps as most Indian parent thinks normally (even a teacher of non-english medium thinks)? Or is special tuition helps what parents generally thinks and sends their kid to fulfill the same object of school? Or a huge buddle of books helps? Or a corporate schools with fancy names techno/IIT school/internal school give the solution?Worst part of current education system is, even a teacher is not confident on the system where he/she teach, hence they join their kids in another corporate school.

There are many great teachers who experimented and proved to the world on different methods of teaching that makes a student perfect in some area. The best practices are not being adopted to current education system. All those efforts/learnings are not being carry forwarded and left as if those great teachers did some social activity.
We need a good education system that does not produce a dacoit, terrorist, rapist, corrupt, cheater, murderer, useless fellow, looter of neighbour.
Social activity will work only for piloting and a political action will give a permanent and wider results.
So we need socio-political action in reforming education system. We can't wait for this till next generation, this has to be started now. Need socio-political action immediately.
Raise the hands who want to work with me on this issue.

#Join4Change #SocioPolitical #JoinLoksatta

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